A Letter to Republicans: A plea for better discourse, and a more civil society

5 min readNov 11, 2021
The great Republican reform party. Link: https://www.flickr.com/photos/boston_public_library/19314005438

Dear Republicans,

Before you read this, I want to preface that I am writing this with the best of intentions. Not to further stoke the flames of political division, but to bring up honest criticisms in an effort to better our discourse overall.

You know how you, and I, laugh at the democrats and their performative antics, like the Kente cloth extravaganza last summer? Well, that’s how you all look when you are burning up the internet with rage over Big Bird and Dr. Seuss.

You know how frustrating it was seeing democrats being absolutely deranged over Trump being in office, derangement to the point of not being able to actually discuss policy at any level (I was very frustrated over this as well. It was impossible to have any policy discussion that didn’t devolve into “BUT TRUMP!”)? That’s how you guys are acting with Biden in office right now, particularly with the insults and derogatory commentary (much like the democrats’ to the republicans during previous 5 years). To be fair to democrats, you guys were absolutely ruthless with Obama as well, but, we can’t talk about that, can we?

The buck has to stop somewhere, where an adult has to stand up and state that this is enough. Or else, where does this end? An endless cycle of political derangement, where after each election cycle, our political opposition looks more and more like an enemy combatant on the battlefield that needs to be eliminated? I would hope that it would not come to that, but recent street feuds suggest that it just might. Though, we are still a ways away from the days of political gun duels and assassinations, though, not quite far enough for comfort.

For an ideology that prides itself on individual responsibility, it consistently amazes me how you all are seemingly unable to handle even the faintest of criticism, without pointing their finger at the democrats and liberals. I get it, democrats are often self-righteous and full of shit as well, but at least they have a semi-coherent ideology based off their policy prescriptions, albeit, I am let down virtually every go around. It’s just that I have noticed that any time a criticism is brought up about Republicans in this country, your automatic response is to point your finger the other way, absolutely disregarding anything that was just said.

But what is the alternative for us so-called “communists / fascists” on the left? A republican party that attaches itself to every stupid cultural issue that they can find, with no concern or priority on actually addressing the material problems in our society? That is seemingly more concerned about preserving the Christianness of this nation (especially with us Seculars/Atheists), with a section of the population actively yearning for the end of days? A party that actively dismisses and downplays the darkness of our country’s own history, as a means to gaslight anyone with contrary concerns to their own? To only be politically driven towards alleviating the tax burden of the uber wealthy? To never actually put forth any legislation towards addressing actual problems? Just the fun rhetoric that stirs up the media-sphere.

Those tax breaks that Trump/Republicans passed? Whelp, the breaks for the wealthy were permanent, while the rest are set to expire. What does that say the party’s priorities? What else have the Republicans managed to do or pass while in power, that actually affected the lives of the American people in a beneficial way? < Insert point about the democrats > , whatever it is, you are probably right, and I, along with numerous others of my ilk, have done that actual critique, and continue to do so. Imagine if Trump actually drained the swamp? And his supporters ideologically pushed for that consistently with their own party, as much as they do with the democrats? To actually push for anti-corruption laws in congress? I don’t know.

What say you, conservatives? Being for small government, but never bat an eye at our insane military budget? Being for small government, but continually policing people on what they do from the comforts of their own home, regarding recreational drug use. Being for small government, outside of our growing police and surveillance state? Work with me here! I do generally support conservatives more on gun policy, but even on end, it is nearly impossible to hold a reasonable discussion around gun regulation.

Imagine a universe with a United States that had an ideologically consistent party that truly valued small government, and valued it as a means to the end of benefiting the majority of people as well through the lowering of various expenses in society. And to have that party battle it out with a democratic party that actually advocated for the lower and working classes again, with the end goal of creating the best legislation for the American people. As it stands, we have your party and the democratic party, both of which are largely beholden to their corporate donors, but push out rhetoric that only serves to enrage you and me.

I don’t for a second believe that you all are these heartless deplorables that news outlets like MSNBC would have us to believe. However, its getting harder by the day to defend this belief of mine. I just think that there are far too many bad actors leading many of you astray, like a puppet on a string, from one outrage to the next. And again, I know that many democrats are suffering this same fate of misdirection, but, there seems to be far more dissent on that end.

I would suggest this: turn off the TV, unsubscribe from the clearly partisan outlets, subscribe to other outlets of differing opinions, read up on policy, and figure out what you yourself think are actual problems in this country affecting you, your neighbors, and your community. And from that point, figure out what you, or the people you are voting for, can do about it.

Through this, you can establish your own political framework, by in which, will help guide you through these evermore chaotic times, and not just strung along by your favorite multi-millionaire pundits.

The purpose of all of this is to figure out what you actually care about, find ways to address what you care about, and to ultimately create a coherent and cohesive ideology. (I would push this same advice to democrats as well)

I would love for a day that I could sit down with a republican voter, and actually have a substantive conversation over our policy differences. In fairness, I have had these conversations, but unfortunately, their tune seems to change immediately after our conversation ends (ie, we can find these to agree on, but later on Facebook, I see them reverting back to a prior position). A conversation that is engaged with the intent of hashing out good policy prescriptions. A conversation in which both parties would engage in good faith, that we are both here to hear out one another, and not just scream over each other. A conversation in which our political differences are both rooted in reality, and have legitimate points to be addressed — I wish to address these actual concerns. But, until then, I will continue to do my part of bettering the party most aligned with my political positions. I just hope that you would do so as well.




Trying to make sense of the insanity that is modern society through musings and poetry.